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What prompts the shift from helpless love to deep disinterest? Countless couples complain of losing the “spark” in their relationship. Some chalk it up to evolved differences, a slow growing apart, or sheer familiarity. The...
passive aggressive

Passive Aggressive Behavior Ruins Relationships

Passive aggressive behavior is toxic We promised a couple of columns ago that we’d delve further into how passive aggressive actions function in toxic relationships and how your time perspective plays a role in such hostile behavior. After reviewing...
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At the start of the sexual revolution in the 1960s, many people thought that creating honest nonmonogamous relationships would be easy. Instead, half a century of false starts and painful discoveries has taught us...
borderline personality disorder

Why Can’t People With Borderline Personality Disorder Stop Arguing?

People with borderline personality disorder act like drama queens The hurt and anger expressed by folks with borderline personality disorder can be highly contagious. Women, and men, with borderline personality disorder seem not to know how to stop arguing....
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Why using projection as protection is self defeating I’ve been thinking a lot about projection lately, especially since many of my engaged and newlywed clients and eCourse participants have been perseverating on the thought, “I...
trapped in a relationship

Do you feel trapped in a relationship you can’t leave? Of course, feeling trapped in a relationship is a state of mind. No one needs consent to leave a relationship. Millions of people remain in...