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feminine energy

Is showing more of their masculine side damaging women's relationships and if so how can women regain their feminine energy? Women fought hard for equality. In the 1920s women marched for the right to vote,...

Paired up with a distancer?  Many distancers are viscerally allergic to intensity, and become more so with time. They may say, “I don’t like to talk,” but they’ve actually stopped talking because they fear getting...
donald trump

As Donald Trump continues along the campaign trail, what he says may reveal less about him than what it reveals about us. Here are some of the ingredients of his appeal. 1. Standing for Something: This involves...
office love

Would you ever consider office love? This account of the fall out when it goes wrong might help you decide if it's really worth the risk. If the United States has an almost 50 percent...

If you want to be better at parenting you need to look at your own childhood Most parents who look into the eyes of their brand new baby see whatever lies ahead as a clean...
relationship problems

The core of relationship problems: It’s all about safety Safety and trust in relationships go hand-in-hand; safety lays the foundation for trust, trust over time morphs into safety. Have safety and trust and you relax...