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Are You Afraid Of Being Alone?

Using Intuition To Reveal Romantic Relationships


If you think you're married to a narcissist look for the signs... Do you feel engulfed, controlled, manipulated, and find that you are losing your sense of self? Then you may be married to a...

Eight reasons why people prefer making up to  breaking up. The specific reasons people give for remaining in such an unpleasant state of suspended animation tend to vary. One woman told me that she flirted...
angry partner

Defusing the anger in your angry partner The closer your attachment to someone, the more of an effect their words will have on you. So assuming you’re in a committed relationship, how your partner addresses...

How To Practise Mindfulness Any-time, Anywhere

Mindfulness Over Matter You don't have to be a yogi to benefit from this. “Mindfulness is not something that is only done in the meditation hall, it is also done in the kitchen, in the garden...
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relationship killers

Learn to keep the love in your life alive by avoiding these top 10 relationship killers Top 10 Relationship Killers The saddest thing I hear on the therapy couch is someone telling me that they've killed...
personal label

Don’t Allow People To Stick Labels On You

Don't be bound by someone else's label. It is interesting to hear people refer to young women who are single and enjoy going out and meeting new people as “party girls.” Although this phrase is...
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