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wedding vows

Here are my favorite wedding vows of all time Consider the vows that two young people said out loud to each other  in front of their community of family and friends—I was attending the wedding...
husband doesn't love you

When you feel that you love your husband but your husband doesn't love you it isn't always or necessarily the end of the road for your marriage Nelly and Scott have been married for twelve...
control anger

There is one effective rule to control anger before an argument with your partner gets out of hand Remember this:  Leave Me Alone!” Means “Leave Me Alone! Ideally partners can call an end to escalating fights(link...
love your husband again

Eight do-able things you can do to love your husband again Here are eight tips to get you beyond the hard moments of the journey and to escort you in the direction of love and...
emotionally distant

If you are an emotionally distant husband you can't afford to bury your head in the sand! When couples get stuck in the dance of pursuit and distance, it’s rarely the distancer who changes his...
good marriage

Happily married for 80 years it seems this couple have discovered the secret to a good marriage Last Thursday was one of those “Maybe-I just-need-to-stop-reading-the-newspaper-for-a-while days. There wasn’t a lot of uplifting news in the...