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dating anxiety

Many women still want to get married but are afraid to make the commitment. Here are 6 common types of dating anxiety and ways to overcome them A good marriage offers lifelong companionship, plus emotional...
How Long To Wait Before Sex

When do you take your new relationship to the next level? How long to wait before sex for the first time? As a relationship coach, I am asked this question frequently.  Chemistry is a...
first kiss

The first kiss! Will it be memorable, will it lead to a second kiss, and will it create sparks of passion? That first kiss can do all of that for sure, but it may also...
dating etiquette

Before embarking on a quest to find someone to date or even marry here's your chance to brush up on dating etiquette and ethics! Ethical Issues in Dating Responsibilities and obligations. Recently, I heard about a woman...
scared to love

Why are YOU scared to love? My mother was in town last weekend to celebrate an early Thanksgiving. We had a lovely time and it filled my heart to see the way she delights in...
finding a good man

Is you're attitude towards finding a good man sabotaging your efforts to find one? If you’re a woman who’s been wanting marriage for a long time, and it hasn’t happened, possibly your attitude has been...