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borderline personality disorder

Why Can’t People With Borderline Personality Disorder Stop Arguing?

People with borderline personality disorder act like drama queens The hurt and anger expressed by folks with borderline personality disorder can be highly contagious. Women, and men, with borderline personality disorder seem not to know how to stop arguing....
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manipulative partner

Why you cannot depend on a manipulative partner to satisfy your needs What is it that you want in your deepest heart of hearts? Do you have any idea what you truly want in your life? Are...

At the start of the sexual revolution in the 1960s, many people thought that creating honest nonmonogamous relationships would be easy. Instead, half a century of false starts and painful discoveries has taught us...
narcissistic mother

Your Narcissistic Mother Probably Sees You As A Threat

A narcissistic mother  distorts a daughter’s normal development When I was writing the book Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers, I found that I heard certain kinds of painful stories...
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This Is How Women Protect Against Envy And Jealousy

Studies reveal women put themselves down to ward off jealousy and envy In this very funny video clip(link is external), Amy Schumer and other female comediennes satirize women's stereotypical knee-jerk reaction to compliments: When someone...
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narcissistic mothers

Cultural expectations about motherhood can open up wounds Nobody wants to be a "Debbie Downer" on Mothers Day. Its a blessed and sacred institution and should be. Truly, what is more amazing than giving birth to gorgeous...