Most People Do It So Why The Hullabaloo About Masturbation?
The pained history of self pleasure "Don't knock masturbation," Woody Allen famously quipped. "It's sex with someone I love." But masturbation has of course been knocked around some, historically. According to Thomas W. Laqueur, a professor of history...
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Spotted Your G-Spot Recently?
Rumors of the demise of the G-spot are probably exaggerated I don't search, I find," the painter Pablo Picasso once said in another context. In the context of this article—the mysterious G-spot—many can say the...
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Why Do People Fake Orgasm?
Why do people fake, and what does it teach us? Although it has long been a part of the popular imagination (who hasn't seen that obnoxious Meg Ryan scene, or one of the thirty-five episodes...
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Great Sex: The Recipe
Technique... toys... What are the true ingredients of great sex? Here is one of those seemingly simple questions that become, on second thought, strangely difficult and elusive: What makes the difference between ordinary sex, and great...
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Polyamory and Women’s Orgasms
Are women naturally monogamous? This post is a response to Why Do Women Have Orgasms? by Christopher Ryan Scientists once claimed that female orgasm was unique to humans and explained that its function was to “sustain the long-term pair bond...
What Ever Happened to the Sexual Revolution?
Will we ever integrate sex, love, spiritual awakening and ecological awareness? Ask most people whether America experienced a Sexual Revolution in the second half of the twentieth century and they will say, “Yes, of course.”...
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