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Sex advice from our experts to enable you to have a satisfying sex life. Find out about sex advice for gay men, sex advice for men, sex advice for women. — Sex advice for women

sexual debut

Your age when you first have sex may have surprising future implications. Most of us don’t remember every time we had sex, but we remember the first time. Firsts are often etched hard into memory, and they...

Key Intuitive Signs About Love and Sex to Remember

When we're looking for love (or under its intoxicating influence), we often miss seeing extraordinary signs and messages that pop up in our daily life to give us clues as to whether we're on...
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How the Fear of Sex Evolved A councilman from a small Connecticut town was on the radio talking about his attempts to pass a new law that would require anyone entering an adult store or...

Lust provides a rare window through which you can view your vulnerabilities Lust may be experienced as intense desire, ardent enthusiasm, or unbridled sexual longing. This passionate craving is attention directing and a motivational force...
sexual problems

An example of bullying as the underlying cause of a couple's sexual symptoms Sally yelled for her husband Jim to hurry into the bathroom—water was everywhere. Sally had decided to wash her hands and all...
body and soul

With the Sexual Revolution, a la “Playboy”, now behind us, as well as the Victorian attitudes which it rejected, perhaps we are ready for a new conception of sexuality, one not dividing, but embracing,...