Erectile Dysfunction is a concern to men AND women

Wise Readers,

Swimsuits—they’re not what we’re discussing today.  Nor are we broaching penis size, much as I enjoy saying ‘penis size’ and even though it’s the topic men ask me about the most.

Instead, we’re discussing something vital to swimsuits and penises everywhere.  Because while no woman has ever complained to me about partners’ puny penile dimensions—not once in over 5 years here and 17 as a relationship consultant—I’ve heard plenty about Erectile Dysfunction, aka erectile disorder, a man’s inability to get and sustain an erection.  Size may not be a big deal to women, but a penis that’s limping along is.

(And for those men who remain convinced that a big ‘un is paramount, despite contrary evidence, keep this in mind:  No matter how big it is, if it won’t rise to the occasion, that wood’s no good.)

Other LoveScience articles have dealt with Erectile Dysfunction solutions, but not prevention; nobody is asking about what really spells trouble down the Happy Trail: sedentary lives that contribute to obesity.  It’s a growing problem~so to speak. According to the CDC, in 2000 no American state had more than 30% obese adults; by 2010, 12 states did.  As of 2012, 35.7% of USA adults have a body mass index over 30, and zero states meet CDC goals for 15% or fewer obese adults.   Global data back the trend.  You, Wise Readers, are well-read, well-informed types, so you probably know the dire health outcomes of obesity.  You may know that the generation born in 2000 is the first where 1 in 3 will develop diabetes, and consequently the first generation with a lower life expectancy than their parents.   And you surely know that how much we eat and how little we move are prime contributors.

But did you know abdominal body fat in particular is a weenie-dangler, a libido-buster, and a performance problem?  So much so that public service announcements should warn about obesity’s sexual side effects right along with diabetes, heart disease, and cancer:  “Couch potatoes, prepare for limp tubers.”

Hard Facts for men:

*Abdominal fat hampers horniness by lowering testosterone.

*Erections rely on getting and keeping blood in the penis; that requires capillaries unclogged by fats.  Belly fat can indicate a lot of clogging—hence the heightened risks.  In one study headed by a researcher with the ironic surname of Bacon, who followed outcomes of 22,000+ healthy men over a 14-year timespan, the obese were *90%* likelier to develop Erectile Dysfunction than the non-obese—but the men who exercised most were 30% less likely to get Erectile Dysfunction.

*It’s hard to feel sexy if you feel embarrass by your looks.  Studies show that some men have such an awful body image, they try to avoid being seen naked during sex.  This worries obese men most, perhaps due to their perception that their penis is small, since abdominal fat can obscure much of the male member.  Do you think that’s what men have in mind when they offer to hide the salami?  Do you think a guy who’s that insecure about his appearance is going to make a great lay?  Me neither.

Lest women feel left out of the conversation, abdominal fat—or as I call mine, ‘abominable fat’—also fails to do us any favors, either in attracting a partner, or fully experiencing our sexuality.  Men routinely pursue fit women and assume that better-looking (read: hourglass-shaped) women are better in bed.  And it may be true.  Obese women commonly suffer lackluster libidos and higher levels of sexual disorders and dissatisfaction compared to healthy-weight women who aren’t smoking or drinking to excess.


The Cure:  

There is a treatment that will reduce your waistline, without pills or surgery.  Women, it will keep you looking taller, thinner and younger for longer.  And as fat recedes, guys, your penis will look bigger.  In both sexes, this treatment heightens libido, reduces sexual disorders, and increases orgasmic intensity.  And it does it all free of charge—without pills or surgery. 

The treatment?  Exercise.

The amount? 150 minutes a week.

The intensity?  Moderate.

The right exercise?   The one you’ll do.

Experiments—not just correlations—show that exercise causes all of the above outcomes.  The returns are greatest for about 30 minutes’ exercise daily.  You don’t even have to do your half-hour all at once; breaking it up into 10-minute sessions three times a day yields about the same benefits.    And although your exercise can be intense, it doesn’t have to be.  Walking briskly is just fine.

In fact, most of the research has focused on walking.  I love walking because you can do it for a lifetime without ruining your joints, all it costs is time and some good shoes, it can be done socially or alone, and it’s available when and where you are.  But if walking bores you, or you don’t have a safe place to walk, a disability prevents it, or you’ll only exercise if it’s scheduled, do what suits you.


Of course, the sexual benefits of movement are just the tip of the exer-berg.  Over the past 20+ years of professing, I’ve kept a list of the benefits of exercise that crop up in texts and studies I teach from or encounter in personal reading, and that list appears beneath my signature today.  I hope you find it as motivating and eye-opening as my students and I do.


The Question:

In the meantime, I’ve got a question for you:

If there were a safe, free treatment that would increase your libido, intensify your orgasms, enhance your (or your sweetie’s) erections, make your (or your sweetie’s) penis look bigger, heighten your sexual self-confidence, keep you looking younger for longer, plus banish depression and anxiety, stave off Alzheimer’s, aid attention and memory into late life, increase energy, enhance sleep, protect against almost every major disease, lessen your number of sick days, hasten recovery if you did get ill or have surgery, lengthen both the quantity and quality of your life, save you big bucks in healthcare costs, and get and keep you swimsuit-ready…would you take it?

Or put ’ way, “Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to just twenty-three-and-a-half hours a day?”


Make a splash, in bed and at the beach.  Exercise.




Photo By:Size DOES matter? Women find tall men with larger penises more attractive: study

This article is dedicated to daily walks: My heart’s mitral valve had been in decline for at least 20 years, undetected, but a lifetime of walking allowed my heart to compensate for so long that effective surgery was available by the time my body couldn’t take care of the issue on its own anymore.  I thus also dedicate this article to two men.  The first was a coach, my father, Larry Welch, who lives his value of exercise every day and taught me to do the same from childhood.  The second was my cardiothoracic surgeon, Stephen Dewan, whose expert hands completely healed my heart three years ago this month.

Thanks to them, I’m still walking.



—The best time to start living healthfully is From The Beginning.  The second-best time, though, is Right Now, and Right Now is possible for most of us at any age.  Weight training and exercise build strength into the 90s, and –surprise!—a 19-year-old and a 90-year-old gain strength at the same rate.


Sexual benefits:   

— The sexual benefits, most of which are also listed in the above article, include heightened sex drive, more (any?) orgasms, more intense orgasms, better self-confidence, and fewer sexual disorders for women and men alike.

—Men specifically have lower risks of Erectile Dysfunction and the appearance of a larger penis as they exercise and lose weight.  Or as Robert Crooks and Karla Baur put it, “A healthy diet and exercise that result in a normal weight form the foundation of sex drive and functioning (‘Our Sexuality’, 11th edition, p. 410).”

—Research shows that men commonly assume better-looking women are better in bed, and men use body shape and youthfulness—both enhanced by exercise—as a large component of ‘better-looking’.  It’s possible that these women really are better in bed, since women’s sex drive, responsiveness, and self-confidence all increase with exercise.

—Exercise helps maintain a youthful height, too, because weight-bearing exercise reduces bone loss and hence osteoporosis; it also maintains balance, which allows us all to appear younger and avoid injury.  Anyone wishing to attract a man or avoid pain of brittle and breaking bones is wise to consider this a major advantage.


Weight loss:

—About half of American men and 2/3 of women want to lose weight.  Between 60-65% of adults  in the USA are overweight, and around the world today, 65% of people live in countries where overweight kills more people than being underweight.

—Losing weight is tough, and the way most of us attempt it is ineffective and can even make us gain more weight back than we lost.  Experiments since the late 1960’s have shown that crash diets not only result in a small (6%) weight loss, but that metabolism drops to a mere 15% of what it had been, pre-crash.  The body’s evolutionary investment in keeping alive through a famine is intense, and the body doesn’t get it that this ‘famine’ is self-induced for its own good.  Not only that, but when we gain, our body increases the number of fat cells, and those fat cells don’t go away after we lose weight; they hang around awaiting stray calories.  Upshot?  Once people resume normal eating, the vast majority not only gain all the weight back—they gain back more than they lost.

—Yet if you live by this paragraph, you’ll never need to resort to another diet again.  Research shows that the people who keep weight off have some interesting things in common.  They set modest, realistic goals for slow loss; no “Biggest Losers”, thanks.  They change their lifestyle; no diets, these are permanent changes.  If a specific change they’re considering seems impossible to do long-term, they don’t make that particular change.  They avoid hunger—since hunger triggers the body to hang onto calories and drop metabolism; likewise, they eat throughout the day and avoid eating one large meal.  They eat healthfully, and they don’t cut out entire groups of foods in a scorched-earth kind of mentality; for instance, they still eat fat (your brain needs it!), but the fats they choose come from healthy sources such as fish, avocados, nuts, olive oil, and canola oil.  They minimize temptation in ways that make sense for them—ways ranging from eating out rarely to having half their meal brought to the restaurant table and the other half packed away, to shopping only on a full stomach, to dining off smaller plates at home; they watch less than two hours of TV per day; they return to their lifestyle after a lapse; and…they exercise.

—Exercise is a key component of keeping weight off, not just of losing weight.   It reduces fat cells, speeds metabolism, lowers set-point, and by building muscle, it burns calories even when you’re sitting still.


Over-all physical benefits:

—Exercise extends the quality and quantity of life.  Most exercisers live at least two years longer than non-exercisers, and they typically do so while feeling better, living independently for longer, and paying less in healthcare costs.  In one study, for instance, the risk of death dropped by 23% during a 12-year span among Harvard alums who were randomly assigned to exercise.   In another study of Finnish twins by Kujala and others, those who occasionally exercised had a 29% lower death rate over 20 years than those who did no exercise.  And with daily exercise, death risk declined 43%.

—Exercise lessens the total number of days a person spends sick from almost all conditions, including almost all chronic conditions.

—Exercise releases endorphins—lessening pain perception, increasing the pain threshold, and reducing pain-related disability.  In one study, one hour of exercise 3x/week reduced knee arthritis pain and disability by 47%.

—Exercise lowers blood pressure, staving off a major cause of death—hypertension.  In one Japanese study, every 10 minutes of increased time spent walking to work reduced blood pressure by 29% in people who had a 21-or-more-minute walk to the office; every 10 minutes of increased time spent walking to work was associated with a 12% decline in the odds of developing high blood pressure.

—Exercise can reverse and prevent type 2 diabetes.  In people at high risk for diabetes (type 2), exercise reduced progression to diabetes by 58%.  It’s currently predicted that 1 in 3 children born in the USA in the year 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes at some point, lessening both quality and duration of life while skyrocketing healthcare costs.  Exercise can prevent that.

—Exercise can maintain appearance and aspects of youthfulness, such as upright posture in women, by maximizing bone density and preventing osteoporosis (if the exercise is weight-bearing).  In one study, exercise reduced hip fracture risk by 41% in postmenopausal women who had 4 hours a week of exercise.

—Exercise reduces blood pressure rises due to stress.

—It strengthens the heart muscle.

—It enhances blood flow and keeps the vessels open all over the body (see ‘Sexual benefits’ and the article above).

—Exercisers have half the rate of heart attacks of non-exercisers.

—Muscles of exercisers consume the fats that would otherwise clog arteries.

—Exercise maintains and enhances balance.  In two experiments, Wolf et al. and Wolfson et al. randomly assigned some older adults to learn and use tai chi, and others served as controls.  Not only did those who were tai-chi trained (for about 3 mo.) improve balance, but their blood pressure and fear of falling reduced as well.  Cavanaugh and Blanchard-Fields reported that “performance matched levels analogous to those of people 3 to 10 years younger.  These significant gains lasted as long as 6 months after intensive training ended.” (in Adult Development & Aging, 4th ed., p. 47).

—Exercise reduces the decline in aerobic capacity that normally accrues with age.  “By age 65, the average adult has experienced a 60-70% decline in the aerobic capacity since young adulthood.  However, if you stay in good shape throughout adulthood, the decline is much less, perhaps as little as 20-25% (Trappe et al., 1996, reported in Cavanaugh and Blanchard-Fields’ 4th ed. of Adult Development & Aging, p. 49).”

—Exercise is the “#1 treatment of fatigue,” according to Dr. Mike Evans’ online review of copious research.

—Exercise prevents or mitigates almost every chronic disease risk, but being out of shape is itself the largest risk for death.  Mike Evans reports that in a large-scale longitudinal study of death risks done by Blair, low fitness (Cardio Respiratory Fitness, or CRF) was more dangerous than any other factor—including (in order of risk) hypertension, smoking, obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

—Blair also found that obesity combined with no exercise was deadly, but that if a person who was obese did exercise, that person’s risk of death and disability was greatly reduced~even if the person was still obese.

—Exercise sometimes trumps surgery as a cure and preventative.  Reinehr Hambrecht took participants who’d had some level of arterial blockage, and randomly assigned some to do aerobics for 1 hour a week  + 20 minutes of daily exercycling, and others to get a stent but otherwise continue their normal (presumably sedentary) lifestyle.  Interestingly, the exercise was more effective than the stent—an 88% ‘event-free’ rate one year later, compared to 70% of the stent group.  This means exercise was 18% better than a surgical intervention.



—There are a lot of stresses we can’t outrun, but exercise can help us cope and Be Happy Anyway~or at least avoid depression and anxiety.  Aerobic exercise, which you get with any sustained, brisk physical activity, helps us manage the inescapable stresses of life.

—In one study, exercise reduced anxiety by 48%.

—In another study, even low exercise levels eliminated depression in 30% of people, and the number shot to 47% as exercise increased.

—In another study by McMurray, reported by David G. Myers (‘Psychology’, 8th edition, p. 430), “three in ten American and Canadian people, and two in ten British people who do aerobic exercise at least three times a week also manage stressful events better, exhibit more self-confidence, feel more vigor, and feel depressed and fatigued less often than those who exercise less (McMurray, 2004).  In a Gallup survey, nonexercisers were twice as likely as exercisers to report being ‘not too happy’ (Brooks, 2002).”

— Also reported by Myers, Lisa McCann and David Holmes’ experiment found that depression lifted the most for mildly-depressed women who were randomly assigned to exercise rather than to relaxation, although both groups recovered better than those with no intervention at all.

—Vigorous exercise such as running provides a literal high, as any marathoner can tell you.  And Thayer found that most folks feel better for at least two hours following just 10 minutes of walking, in terms of energy and tension.

—Exercise raises mood-boosting psychopharmacological substances including endorphins, serotonin (which is what SSRI antidepressants work on), and norephinephrine.  Hunsberger and others found that exercise causes mice’s brains to produce new neurons.

—Exercise promotes a sounder sleep, and better sleep boosts mood too.



—Numerous studies find that regular exercise in late life is associated with better cognition, less dementia, and less Alzheimer’s disease.  The progression to dementia and Alzheimer’s is lessened by about half in exercisers.

—Attention-switching, or paying varying amounts of attention to more than one task at a time (such as monitoring a conversation while driving, but then being able to shift to paying closer attention to the road if someone steps in front of you), is important—and it’s an ability that declines with age.  But exercise can help.  In one experiment by Hawkins and others, some older adults were assigned to swim 3x weekly for 10 weeks, or not.  Only the swim group’s attention-switching improved over the course of the study.  Aerobic fitness is tied to the ability to focus and sustain attention—not just correlationally, but causally.

The author wishes to thank the following scientists and sources:

The Centers For Disease Control, for statistics about the percentage of Americans who are obese by State, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and other factors, and for information on risks of obesity and on how obesity rates have changed across time:

The World Health Organization, for stats on global issues with weight:

CG Bacon and others, 2006, for “A prospective study of risk factors for erectile dysfunction,” research on 22,000+ men; the obese were 90% likelier to develop Erectile Dysfunction than the non-obese, but the exercisers’ risk of Erectile Dysfunction was 30% less than the norm.

IB Addis and others, 2006, for “Sexual activity and function in middle-aged and older women”—research showing the sexual disorders, sexual dissatisfaction, and low libido issues faced by obese women.

Mike Evans, for  for the lay public about exercise and the research that proves its numerous benefits: 23 ½ hours:  

Over the past two decades, as I’ve taught college, I’ve kept a list of exercise benefits as they’ve arisen in textbooks and articles I’ve read for course preparations.  I must therefore thank the primary textbook authors who sifted through the exercise research and made that possible:

—John C. Cavanaugh and Fredda Blanchard-Fields

David G. Myers,  and 

—Robert Crooks and Karla Baur



© Copyright 2014 Duana WelchPh.D., All rights Reserved.